Have you started hair loss? Then you might consider amino acids to cure this problem naturally. Amino acids are also beneficial for thickening the hairs. They can be taken alone or can be combined with different minerals and vitamins for hair growth. Amino acids are rich source of protein. There are 20 types of amino acids and out of which 12 are produced in our body itself. Remaining 8 we have to be ingested through our diet. We have to take diet rich in amino acid. You can take natural food resources rich in amino acids or you can take supplements also.
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Relation Between Amino Acids and Hair Growth
Relation is simple. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins required by our body. Hairs are made up of protein called keratin. 16 types of amino acids are required to form keratin. For amino acids to work properly they have to be pierced together to form a structure and should be folded in right way to produce sufficient keratin. It is keratin which gives strength to hair strands. Amino acids are sent to scalp and there keratin is formed to grow hairs. Taking sufficient amino acid means body can make enough keratin for hair restoration.
All amino acids have different tasks to perform. Some are interrelated and some perform complementary functions. You have to identify the amino acids which are most beneficial for hair growth. Here are the 6 most important amino acids that you should consume daily in your diet:
Cysteine is the most crucial amino acid required for hair growth. It not only protects grown hairs but also simulates the new one. It is an antioxidant which protects your hairs from UV radiations. The sulphur content in it helps to improve the texture of your hairs. The sources are chicken, dairy products like cheese, milk and yoghurt, wheat sprouts etc.
Arginine is an antecedent of nitric oxide. Consumption of arginine increases the amount of nitric oxide which helps in increasing the potassium openings in cells. This boost up the blood circulation in hair roots there by raising the hair growth. Taking stress, not taking adequate sleep and ageing are few common reasons for decreasing the volume of arginine in our body. Although arginine can be formed in body itself but its deficiency can be filled with diet like cashews, peanuts, coconut, hazelnuts, pecan, sunflower seeds and beef, fish, flour, poultry and dairy products.
Methionine is the essential amino acid required by our body. It is a rich source of sulphur which is very important for healthy hairs, nails and skin. Methionine provides sulphur to hair roots and other hair tissues there by strengthening them and helps in hair restoration. Methionine also helps in breaking down the fat in body if it starts accumulating in certain parts. Methionine also increases the blood supply to hair roots and scalp. Dietary includes sesame seeds, fish, chicken, eggs and Brazil nuts.
This is non essential type of amino acid. Tyrosine creates another amino acid called melanin which is the reason of our hair and body colour. Tyrosine also helps in controlling the stress hormones. Since stress is the one of the major cause of hair loss tyrosine by controlling stress is actually helping you in hair restoration and helps in hair regrowth. Tyrosine is also good for controlling anxiety and depression. Natural sources of tyrosine are fish, dairy products, almonds, chicken, turkey pumpkin seeds, peanuts, soy products and lima beans. It is also available as a supplementary diet.
Thinning of hair is caused by deficiency of taurine in our body. It is different from all other amino acids because it contains sulphonate group rather than carboxyl group. It helps in preventing the breakdown of hair follicles. Dietary sources include meat and marine animals. It is present in breast milk, and thus added to baby milk powders and different types of energy drinks. So if you want the treatment of thinning hair consume the taurine in appropriate quantity.
Glutamine is created from glutamic acid. This acid is produced naturally by body. The production decreases with age therefore extra supplement is necessary starting from middle age till old age. Glutamine produces sulphur which is important for healthy hairs. Glutamine can be obtained from dairy products, poultry products, meat and nuts.
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Supporting vitamins and minerals
Although hairs are made up of keratin and you need to consume the amino acids for its production but at the same time you need various vitamins and minerals for hair restoration. For example:
- Zinc: Zinc helps in production of keratin. Zinc makes the collagen which helps in anchoring the hairs in skin and also joins the connective tissues.
- Vitamin B family: All types of vitamin B are necessary for hair growth. Early hair loss is the sign of deficiency of vitamin B in body. You can consume vitamin B complex capsules as a supplement.
- Vitamin C: If iron deficiency is there it can put serious effect on your hair growth. Iron bonds with RBC and then it is send to hair roots. Vitamin C makes iron in body. Consume the citric fruits or can take vitamin C tablet as a supplement.
External Treatment for hair growth
Consuming amino acids is always good for hair growth but you can always do some external natural home remedies for hair growth. Most effective and fast methods are suggested below:
- Massage: Massage your scalp twice a week. Use coconut oil, mustard oil, olive oil or any other essential oil for doing massage. Massage increases the blood circulation and thus improving the hair growth.
- Herbal products: Use natural oils and vitamin shampoos for washing your hairs. They will provide your hairs necessary vitamins externally.
- Eggs: Since eggs are the rich source of protein. Apply raw egg on your hairs and gently massage it. Keep it for 15–20 minutes and then wash. It will help in hair restoration and is considered the best treatment for thinning hairs.
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Our body does not store amino acids so it is very important to consume them through our daily diet. Take the diet rich in amino acids.