5 Quick and Effective Yoga Poses for Beginners

There are many good reasons that you should include yoga in your life. Practising of yoga can help in making your mood happy, strengthen your physique and give piece to your mind. In this fast and crazy life style we hardly get time for ourselves.

Fortunately spending 2 hours in gym or a day at spa is not required. Rather start practising yoga and you will notice the benefits quickly. It takes only 15 minutes for greater sense of well being and increased sex drive.

Here are the 5 yoga poses for beginners who want to start yoga but don’t have any experience of doing it. These are very simple poses and you need not to have any instructor to perform them.

5 Quick & Effective Yoga Poses for Beginners:

1. Tadasana (Mountain pose):

tadasana - mountain pose

Stand straight with your feet and hip width apart, spread your weight equally with your arms at your sides. Then inhale and exhale slowly and deeply at an even pace, while watching straight and your neck aligned with your spine. You can also take prayer position or stretch your arms up to the sky. The benefits include improve posture, solid breathing and mental clarity.

[Read: Yoga Postures for Specific Disorders]

2. Adhomukha svanasana (Dolphin pose):

Adhomukha svanasana

Get into a straight arm plank with wrists beneath your shoulders and legs stretched straight back. Keep your hands in place and spread your fingers for stability. Push your hips up. Point tailbone straight up to the ceiling, relax head and draw shoulders away from the ears. Press chest toward thighs, spread hands wide so that your body looks like inverted V. Benefits include blood circulation in full body and strengthen the calves and heels.

3. Virabhadrasana (Warrior pose):


Stand while your legs are three to four feet apart from each other. Turn on your right foot by 90 degrees and left toe inward at 45 degree. Bend your right knee so that your thigh comes parallel with ground and keep your left leg straight. Extend your arms in a straight line out from shoulders and look over your right finger tips. Draw core in tight and stay low in the legs. Aim your focus over your hand for as long as you can and then switch sides. It will strengthen your leg muscles.

[Read: Importance of Meditation and Yoga in our Lives]

4. Setubandhasana (Bridge pose):


Lie on the floor with your back down and keep your arms at your sides. Bend your knees such that lower part of your feet touches the ground. Lift your hips by pressing your feet. Keep your hands under your lower back and keep your arms on floor for support. Lift your hips until they are parallel to the floor as you bring your chest to your chin. Remain in this position for as much time as you can. It will strengthen your back, spine and chest.

5. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose):


Lie down on floor with your face down. Bring your hands under your chest by keeping palms open on floor. Keep your feet apart and straight on the floor. Press your palms so as to lift your upper body and make your arms straight. Tuck your hips down and remain in position for 10 deep breaths. It will strengthen and stretch spine arms and wrist.

[Read: Best Sources to Learn Yoga Online]

These are the 5 most valuable yoga exercises for beginners. Start practising daily and see the difference.

Include yoga in your life. First start with simple poses and then gradually shift to complex one. Yoga is an ancient and time proven practice to keep your mind, body and soul healthy.

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